
  • The Company may determine, at its discretion, the payment methods for the purchase of Products, and reserves the right to change the method of payment and to add or modify the procedures, without informing the Customers, who shall be informed about the existing payment methods through displaying these in the online store before the conclusion of the respective contract.

  • In case of payments made by credit card, these may be effected only through accepted cards. If the Customer chooses a credit card as a method of payment, the process will be completed through a recognized banking institution that provides all the security guarantees of electronic payments.

  • The collection and processing of payment data submitted by the Customer is carried out by a third-party banking institution which is solely responsible for the processing and for the completion of the payment. Any problem which arises when paying by credit card will be the responsibility of the payment service provider. The Company does not store or process card details of its Customers. The Company is also entitled to reject the Customer’s order or to withdraw from the contract of sale at any time if it is established or if there is a possibility that there is an issue with the card details. The Customer bears the full and exclusive responsibility for the correct entry of his/her card details in the payment system.